Mind and Body: Listening to your body
The Body and Mind Connection: Listening to Your Body
Optimal health of the body is connected to the health of your mind and spirit. They are not separate. Mind, Body, and Spirit form the human being. In my observations, many in western society separate the mind, body, and spirit into separate entities. Each entity treated like it operates independent from the others. I recently met with a new client who had tremendous amounts of tension in their body. This is really common. This person wanted my help in reducing tension because they had experienced an injury and wanted to get back to being able to do High Intensity Interval Training. “My Body Won’t Listen to Me” is what my client said to me. The goal of training is to improve each training session. Each successful training session brings you closer to successfully achieving your goals. If you get injured or are in pain, learn from it, and change your training. If you are in pain and try to force your way through it, that could be self-sabotage.
My fellow coach friend, Dave Carpentier, posted an appropriate meme on social media. It read, “If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream.” Your body sends messages all day. It is a language that many in the western world learned to tune out. Pain is probably the most recognizable message. Being pain-free is also a message of success! There are others like hunger or thirst. Happiness is an important one too. The more you listen, the more you will hear.
In conclusion, your body is not your adversary. Your body IS you. It’s part of you and the messages you receive are a guide for future decision making. These messages help you learn what to do. I hope that you will stop letting others tell you what is best for you and start deciding for yourself. You will feel better, but you will also succeed more often.
OCTOBER 30, 2020