The Journey To a Pull-Up: Why I Don’t Do Band Assisted Pull-Ups

Doing an Exercise and Doing it Well

(Disclaimer: this picture does not represent a pull-up done well)

A client recently asked why we don't do assisted pull-ups with bands. 

There are limitations when using a band that could make you worse off.  The elastic effect of the band propels the person upward so that the speed of the movement increases towards the top.  Unlike a body-weight pull-up, where the resistance gets harder at the top (the reverse).  The awkward position the client is in teaches an awkward movement pattern.  The elastic effect of the band doesn't give the client enough feedback to learn and get better. It only helps with getting to the top.

Why use a band and not an assisted pull-up machine? Or Lat pull-down?  A Lat pull-down machine allows the client to train with less weight and learn proper technique as they progress to a pull-up. 

Gym clients using a band to assist in pull-ups all look different when doing this exercise.  People differ in the way they use their muscles.  When learning a new exercise each person needs unique instruction and a unique program so that they can get the result they want.

Why are bands so popular?  Because they generate more profits.  Equipment manufacturers sell more bands than Lat pull-downs or assisted pull-up machines.  They wear out faster and need to be replaced frequently.  They are cheaper to produce which leads to higher profit margins. 


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