Yoga doesn’t cut it
When it comes to Stretching Yoga doesn't cut it
It will come as no surprise to anyone that reads my blogs, trains with me, or just knows ,that I think static stretching is the optimal way to stretch. I think people need it, and need a lot of it. If I had a dollar for every time someone says they stretch, but means they do yoga, I would have hundreds of dollars. Did you think I was gonna say millions? or billions? Nah I don't talk to that many people. Yoga is not good enough. I don't mind at all if you like it, and want to include it as part of your routine, but I don't consider it stretching.
1. Let's use the picture above as a reference. This pose is a lunge position. Often, yoga participants hold similar positions to lunges for extended periods of time. I don't consider a static lunge to be a stretch. It's a lunge that has been renamed in yoga terminology. In other words, it's a bodyweight strength exercise.
2. Yoga is often done in a group and in a class environment. Again, I am not against groups or classes, but when everyone is doing the exact same thing it is not a program that is individualized for you. It's cookie cutter and generic plain and simple.
3. The high temperature warms the body up which feels good. That is because when body temperature is higher our tissue becomes looser, more pliable, bendy, or whatever word you want to use to describe it. That doesn't mean our flexibility increased. It just means the temperature went up. When the temperature comes back down it's all over.
I prefer good old static stretching. It doesn't get a lot of attention because there is hardly any equipment. Just a towel and sometimes a stretch band (not those really flexible bands physical therapists use). In the fitness industry equipment drives sales. It's always funny to me when someone tries to come up with expensive devices for stretching that are totally unnecessary. The question is how do I stretch? And which muscles? This is the part that requires individualization. So, if you have questions or want to learn more about how to do it send me an email.